Raised on pasture with lots of love.

This season, we are happy to offer you an easier way to add Wonka’s Harvest’s pasture-raised and organic fed pork to your CSA pick-up! It’s always an option for you to add an order of pork to your CSA from our Farmstore, but with this add-on you will receive 5 pounds of various cuts and preparations of pork bi-weekly for the length of your CSA.

As our CSA season is broken down into 3 six-week segments (Spring, Summer, and Fall), your pork will be added three times per segment, with a total of 9 weeks if signing up through the full season. The cuts and preparations of pork will rotate with each week and between every segment, so there will be space between receiving similar preparations. We will rotate through our pork offerings including ham steaks, ground pork and sausage, brats and breakfast links, chops, bacon, and more!

The add-on is $55 per delivery, with each delivery giving you 5 pounds of local, pasture-raised pork that you can feel good about eating.

Why choose WH pork?

Wonka’s Harvest is committed to practicing regenerative agriculture, and this carries through to our practices surrounding our meat pigs. They are rotationally grazed through three different large pastures, which allows both for them to munch up yummy grass, run free, and root around, and for our soil to be enriched as they move between pastures— over time resulting in a richer and more complex ecosystem. Our pigs also help us reduce food waste— farming inevitably produces some waste, from uneaten produce to weeds, and our piggies happily gobble up all these scraps as a hearty supplement to their organic feed. Our pigs are also given lots and lots of love from all of us on the farm team nearly every single day.